Immigration Reform 2013 – New Immigration Law

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida is taking a leadership role on immigration reform for the Republican party.  Mr. Rubio has indicated that, unlike others in his party, he won’t rule out legal status for immigrants in the U.S. illegally, but does not want to punish those who have sought to go through the immigration process through the proper channels.

Senator Rubio indicated that immigrants can be a boon to the economy as they have been throughout the history of the U.S.

It seems that Mr. Rubio’s principles are similar President Obama on this issue, which is good news, especially if Mr. Rubio can convince the rest of his party to follow suit.


Written by

Michael P. Gianelli, Esq., is licensed to practice in Colorado, New York, and California (inactive). Prior to establishing the Law Office of Michael P. Gianelli, LLC, he practiced in New York at Reynolds, Caronia, Gianelli & La Pinta, LLP.

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